Friday, September 19, 2008

Canterbury Cathedral

Today was the first of many field trips provided by the university. We had tours of the city of Canterbury and then a wonderful tour of Canterbury Cathedral. Our tour of the city was good and very historically informative, but the tour of the Cathedral topped everything today! I continue to be amazed by how beautiful, old, and historical that Cathedral is and has been for thousands of years. I see it every day here and don't think I will ever be able to keep myself from marveling at it (not that I would want to keep myself from something like that). Our guide for the tour was this elderly lady who really knew her stuff and was a lot of fun to listen to. The accent just brings the whole experience together. Once again the weather was beautiful, even if it was a little chilly sometimes. After the tour we explored some of the shops on High St. and the side streets. There are so many cool little shops, some are quite touristy, but fun all the same. For lunch between tours I grabbed a baguette (sandwich) at this little shop run by an American couple. They were really nice and the baguette was great too! It's so nice to hear the American accent here when you've already gotten so used to the British accent. Got back to the flat and found out that we have another roommate! We didn't see her, but when we were finishing up dinner she came back from ASDA. She's Romanian, but I can't for the life of me remember her name. She seems nice and her English seems to be pretty good. Well, I'm back at the Two Sawyers now because besides the uni, this is the closest place we know of with free wi-fi. It's quite a hike from Parham Rd. where I live, but there is a group of us, so know one is coming alone at night. Nothing specific planned for this weekend. I do have a paper to write for my Brit. history class regarding our fieldtrip today and is due on Wednesday. One of the Cazenovia College (NY) girls, Katie, mentioned maybe going to Whitstable, which is near Herne Bay on the coast on Sunday. I know I would love to go to the coast again, it was so peaceful. Enjoy the pictures. They don't do the Cathedral justice though.

1 comment:

Mutti said...

uni? Is that like renni?